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Are you an Accidental Investor? | Infographics

Project Title: Are you an Accidental Investor?
Project Category: Marketing Materials - Infographics Design for SEO/Digital PR
Clients: Minty Digital, Admirals

Client Background:
1. Minty Digital

Minty Digital is a creative SEO and digital agency based in Barcelona, Spain and London, UK. They combine technicality with creativity to build unique and successful SEO strategies that dominate organic search results.
2. Admirals
Admirals Group AS is a financial hub, offering a wide range of products and services worldwide through its regulated investment firms.

Project Description:
This project aims to present, using an infographic, how much stuff that may be lying around our house is worth nowadays. From old video games to vintage clothing, there are hidden treasures that could fetch you a nice profit if you sell them online. In this infographic, we'll show you some of the most valuable items you may have at home and how much they could sell for. You'll be amazed at how much money you could make from things you thought were worthless!

Project Duration: 1 day

Key Deliverables:
1. Infographic

For more infographics design projects and others, feel free to contact:

Are you an Accidental Investor? | Infographics


Are you an Accidental Investor? | Infographics
