Jaden Wendell's profile

Jaden Wendell Making Visual Media Portfolio

This task required me to create a self portrait in a style coherent to the rest of the QCA
Design team. The minimalist style must feature a coloured circle background, and broken
line art.

I completed my portrait in Adobe Illustrator using the brush tool to trace my reference
image and placed a green circle as the background. I found this a difficult task to complete
as I found myself resorting to my own style and matching the minimalist style of the rest of
the team felt unnatural. My first attempt featured far too much detail, with almost all of the
lines unbroken. My feedback was to reduce the amount of lines and make it more
suggestive, rather than so deliberate. This was to make it appear as though it was made
by the same person as the provided references.

My final attempt adheres far more to the minimalist style of the provided references and
features minimal, broken lines that suggest the outline of my reference image, keeping the
important features help to confirm it's my face in the portrait.
The goal of this brief was to create a logo for a new app WAVE'. The client requested a
logo inspired by traditional Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander art. The client was
neither of Indigenous descent, nor did they have the approval to use these elements. They
provided a reference image of the style they are hoping to see in the logo.

I created the outcomes in Adobe Illustrator. Due to risk of cultural appropriation, I diverted
my initial ideation away from using traditional Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander
symbolism and instead focused on creating a logo that references natural forms of the
Australian landscape as the name 'WAVE' suggests. In my initial ideas, I used the pen tool
to sketch rough, organic shapes that were suggestive of the ocean. My first attempt
featured a crashing wave shape with 'WAVE' beside it in clean text. My feedback was that
the graphic was far too simple and the choice of font made the whole composition seem
far too 'corporate' and strayed from the organic form the client was after.

In my revisited iteration, I wanted to use the unique form of the word 'WAVE' that creates
its own wave in the letters 'W', 'A' and 'V'. I used the pen too to draw these letters
connected one after the other and added and lowercase 'e' on the end. The word creates
an organic flow reminiscent of waves. I traced around the logo with the brush tool to
create an organic edge and add more unique character to it, before using elements of my
first attempt in the 'W' and 'V' to suggest water, adding to the suggestion of a wave.
The goal of this brief was to create an A5 event poster for a local furniture brand, 'Hello
Furniture Co.. The client provided a reference image from Pinterest that they wanted
copied as closely as possible but had no licensing to any of the intellectual property they

I used Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator to complete the brief. To ensure I
avoided issues of copyright, I didn't use any matching elements from the provided
reference, instead I mimicked the hierarchy to remain coherent to the style the client

I cut out a mountain that I sourced from Unsplash and created a couch using the pen tool
in Adobe Illustrator that I exported into InDesign. Here I used a grid to arrange my poster
in my desired layout. I payed close attention to the hierarchy of certain elements such as
the name and words 'open studio' to communicate the poster's important information.
The goal of this brief was to design and print a large scale protest poster created to
address a social issue that is important to us. The goal was to make the poster powerful
and easy to understand.

I used Adobe InDesign to create a poster targeting racism in sport. I used a grid to arrange
the elements in an evenly weighted manner. I created the graphic of the word 'racism'
using the pen tool and used bold capitalised Helvetica for the text. In my first attempt, the
message was to stand above racism as a whole. My feedback was to narrow the message
to a smaller audience as the original message was too broad for a protest poster. After
choosing to focus on racism in sport, I wanted to include visual elements that immediately
communicate this idea. I added green strips that symbolise a football pitch, that with the
words 'in sport' help to effectively communicate this idea. I created a football kit for the
letter "I' in my third attempt, but after feedback, this inclusion was said to be unnecessary
and makes the word 'racism' unclear so I erased it for my final.
The goal of this task was to create a surreal composite image from two provided Unsplash
images, one of which is a background and the other a 'hero'.

I etched out the subjects of my 'hero' image in Adobe Photoshop and placed them on top
of my background image. I used the brush tool to add shadows of the 'heroes' to the
background. To make them realistic. I made sure these shadows appeared to the right of
them as the light is coming from the window on the left of the background image. From
here I made the image back and white and changed the contrast and brightness levels to
make the images appear more coherent before finally adding grain to the final image,
further connecting both images.
The goal of this task was to redesign The Gender Pay Gap by Age Group document from
2022 into a two page document with the goal to make it easier read and more appealing to
reach a broader audience.

The document featured extremely important pieces of information amongst unnecessarily
repetitive chunks of information. After reading through all three pages and filtering out the
most important pieces of information, I was left with one page of content to include. Using
the provided InDesign file, I used the grid to layout a simple introduction paragraph and
large statistics to make the reader want to continue to the content on the second page. I
used images provided from Unsplash to break up the content into manageable chunks of
information and make it more visually appealing to the reader. I used yellow lines and
boxes on each page to tie the two together and make them visually cohesive.
The goal of this week was to create product photos out of unconventional everyday
objects with the hope to make objects that aren't traditionally associated with one another
appear as though they belong together. The three objects I used were an apple, red
electrical tape and a pair of sunglasses. Two of the final images were required to be taken
with a creative, staged background and the other two, in a light tent.

After taking the images, I used photoshop to edit each photo. I cropped the images to the
dimensions I wanted before using the patch tool to eliminate any unwanted imperfections
in the photos like alare and dust. I then masked out the subiects individually from the
background and changed their levels until I was happy with the final result. The changes
included increasing the brightness, contrast and vibrancy of the colours to make them
stand out from the background.
Jaden Wendell Making Visual Media Portfolio

Jaden Wendell Making Visual Media Portfolio


Creative Fields