This is Pearls Negras, a teenage rap trio from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Pearls Negras is made up of 15- and 16-year-olds Alice Coelho, Jeni Loyola, and Mariana Alves, who met in an after-school theater company called Nós do Morro in the Vidigal favela in Rio where they grew up.

They Say: "Female rap in Rio de Janeiro is not recognized very much and we struggle to gain a space here," says Coelho, via translator. "Our songs talk about many different things such as love, fun, parties and about what is happening in society, about where we live and where we come from. But people like our music because Vidigal is a place of much talent, dance and music. We have actresses, singers, a bit of everything."

Made this photos for Vice Brazil Februay/2014

It was an amazing experience! We decided to shoot the routine of the girls in favela - we had a walk from the school where they first met then walked till the beach - just dancing, talking and making photos.
They are very talented and gorgeous - all the world will know about them.

Mix tape of the girls:

Pearls Negras

Pearls Negras

Teen rap trio of Rio de Janeiro — comprised of Alice, Jeni and Mari — rep their neighborhood to the fullest as they unleash rapid-fire Portuguese Read More


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