alison manners's profile

Alison Manners-Making Visual Media

portfolio of works completed in 1531 QCA
Brief one: Matching the style of the sample image, we were to design our own self-portrait icon for the QCA design studio team. Ensuring we used consistent line width, style, and colour in the background circle to match the sample image. As an introduction to Adobe Illustrator, we used this task to develop skills in creating documents, using the pencil and pen tools, creating shapes, applying colour and saving/exporting files.
Brief Two: The creation of logos is a fundamental element of design, to introduce us to this concept we were briefed to create a logo for a promotional package for a new start-up tech entrepreneur. The start-up is developing a music-sharing application called WAVE. The client has stated they are influenced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, which presents potential cultural appropriation, the client is also open to being guided by the designer, but it is worth being mindful and considering the ethical use of cultural design images and ideas. Although it was stated the client was interested in an Australian vibe featuring plants and landscapes and provided sample images of what appealed to them stylistically, I felt the core idea of music sharing was worth looking into design-wise. I created a logo with the company name with lines arching out from one point with an oblong encompassing those arched lines to convey the ideas of music starting in one spot and reaching many, thus bringing us together. Using Illustrator to create this logo, we explored many ways to make this including using the pen tool, using the pathways to manipulate shapes, text, and colour. Although the brief was to create a black and white logo, I also explored the use of the ‘intertwine’ option to create a logo where the blue oblong was more obviously wrapping around the outreaching arch.
Brief Three: A furniture company has asked us to create a poster to advertise an event they are hosting. The client has given us sample images they want us to match which were found online, the company has no licensing or rights to use or reproduce these designs, which is unethical. With this in mind, it was a challenge to create something new while operating with integrity. We were given source material for this brief on Unsplash, I used an image of a yellow wall  (Adi Goldstein) as seen in the draft and final image. In Illustrator, I created the small zebra-headed man illustration myself rather than using more images belonging to other people.  I then created a file in InDesign to create the flyer as this program is best suited to put graphics and photos together. Creating text and image boxes to place elements into and arrange in a suitable style. I made a mistake in the first draft by creating the logo ‘hello yello’ which was inspired by the original unlicensed image and was not for the final image.

Brief Four; When creating digital files, it can be difficult to comprehend how they will translate into print. I believe this brief was designed to help us contextualise how digital images present in tangible form and how that affects how we design these ideas. Based on my own beliefs I created two A2 posters illustrating issues I care about. As both of these topics are Australian issues, I found an image of Australia online and kept it open as a reference guide as I drew the shape in Adobe Illustrator. Using InDesign, I then created text to go with these images and manipulated the outlines further to create two very different styles. By re-tracing the outline with a pen tool in Indesign, duplicating it and changing colours I was able to create an Australian map using indigenous colours, initially, the text font I chose was not very sophisticated, this was made more apparent when the file was printed, which was why I changed it for the final image. I focused more on the ‘stolen land’ poster as I felt it was the stronger of the two, therefore I did not make a final draft of the ‘teacher shortage’ poster.

Brief Five: As an introduction to Adobe Photoshop, we were tasked to create a surrealist composite image using images from Unsplash (Dominik Vanyi, Andrei Ciobanu) using Photoshop to create masking to separate objects from their backgrounds and combine multiple images together. There was also a need to manipulate the tone and contrast of the figures I used to match the background image I placed them on. As the background got further away and more blurred, I matched the blur of the figures too. I then added shadows to the figures to match the shadows/position of the light source in the background, I was able to use the pen tool to do this as the shadows were minimal, although there is a shadow function in Photoshop for more complicated shadow work. Adding these shadows helps the objects fit into the background and look less like they are floating around.

Brief Six: using a given text regarding the gender pay gap, I pasted the information into chat GPT and directed it to simplify. using the InDesign page layout function I then created a two-page spread using the photo and text box functions to try to convey this information in a more dynamic way. 
Brief Seven:Using our smartphones, we were tasked with taking product photos for an unconventional perfume company. Using three everyday items, a lightbox for consistent lighting and staging the items in natural light we were able to produce many photos which we then used Photoshop and a small selection of the photos to create more refined images. Using Photoshop capabilities allows us to change the contrast and colour balance for a more crisp result.
Alison Manners-Making Visual Media

Alison Manners-Making Visual Media


Creative Fields