Sam Van Royen's profile

Neuhaus medicinal series

"Dreaming of a heritage, medicinal line of pralines by Neuhaus"
What if Neuhaus, the original Belgian inventor of pralines, went back to its origins of coating medicine inside delicious chocolate? What if you could thus swap out your daily supplements with a delicious dose of superfoods packed in a sweet shell? Sweet pitch, right? Let's explore how that could look like!
Insert the Neuhaus Medicinal Series, a fusion of heritage and modern innovation, where our time-honored tradition of crafting sumptuous chocolate pralines since 1857 now meets the expertise of nutritionists. In this collection, our chocolatiers have masterfully balanced flavor and wellness, tailoring each praline to meet contemporary needs. Embrace the future of pralines as we pay homage to our medicinal roots, offering a delicious and nourishing experience like no other. Indulge in chocolate that not only delights your taste buds but also supports your well-being – that's Neuhaus, where tradition and science harmoniously blend to create the ultimate treat.



E-mail, social media (paid & organic), and influencer/ambassador-driven traffic are thé foundation for every marketing campaign that goes out these days. So couldn't miss out on the opportunity to visualize some options for these, could I?

Apart from the digital storytelling on this product line, I also wanted to envision how the concept would be displayed in the real world; showcasing the campaign material in the store window, creating POS material, mocking up the window decals, and thinking about how to represent the pralines and their ingredients.
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Neuhaus medicinal series


Neuhaus medicinal series
