Rodrigo Rangel's profile

Designing UI mockups inspired by Apple

Designing UI mockups inspired by Apple.
Project Overview:

Platform: Figma
Duration: 6 hours
Team: Visual Designer | Independent


The primary objective was to create an UI interface for a platform that provides templates and tools for graphic designers and UX designers. A platform that would not only showcase new products but also immerse visitors in the ecosystem. This mockup delves into the UX design behind the creation of the Apple-inspired experience.
Project Goals:

Visual Appeal: 
Design a visually stunning web experience that aligns with Apple's design aesthetics and enhances the appeal of the brand.

Wireframing & Prototyping:
Created wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualize the website's layout, user flows, and interactions.

Visual Design:
I meticulously designed the User Interface (UI) to create a visually captivating design that adhered to Apple's design principles and brand guidelines.

Iterative Design:
Made continuous improvements based on user feedback and usability testing results.
Refined the website's features and interactions to align with user expectations.

Final Deliverables:
Designed and developed a visually stunning product featuring the latest iPhone design principles, including interactive 3D models, imagery, and detailed product specifications.


The designed the digital product and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both Apple enthusiasts and first-time visitors.


Designing the experience allowed me to combine user-centric design principles with Apple's brand aesthetics. The positive feedback and increased engagement reflects the success of my UX design efforts in creating a captivating and seamless web experience. This project exemplifies how thoughtful design can elevate the online presentation of a flagship product and enhance the overall brand experience on
Designing UI mockups inspired by Apple


Designing UI mockups inspired by Apple
