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Oliver Cortes - Music Portfolio (Tall Tales)

Some select compositions I wrote for ClewGames's upcoming indie video game, "TALL TALES", developed by Chris Lewandowski.
Tall Tales

The title theme of the game, TALL TALES. Conveniently titled, “Tall Tales”. To me, the motif present in this track represents the feelings of one’s nostalgia and humanity. In TALL TALES, you have the main character Ian living in this village playing with Tasha, one of the main characters, and some of his other friends. Stuff that we all did when we were kids, and I wanted to convey those thoughts into the main theme. Since one of TALL TALES’s themes is nostalgia, I knew I wanted to capture that emotion. While I was composing for TALL TALES, I was going through a major depressive episode. One day, while I was feeling nostalgic and reminiscing on events in my life, this melody popped up and I quickly went to writing. TALL TALES served as my first professional job as a composer, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity. 

A Test of Strength

The initial idea was to have a different version of "The Resolve Within You" as a boss theme. Immediately, I thought, "dance music". This track is one of the strongest tracks in the soundtrack in my opinion, and is one of the tracks I recommend first time listeners of the TALL TALES soundtrack album to listen to. While "The Resolve Within You" captures my musical style, I feel like "A Test of Strength" showcases my musical techniques, reminiscent to my other compositions from "HAIKU AVENUE" and "OUTER RIM". A song that friends and foes can dance to.
Rey tirano

Spanish for "tyrant king". This track is the final dungeon theme in TALL TALES. When I sent a demo of this track to the director Chris, he commented on how regal it sounded, and how it perfectly captured the Capital, and the main villain of the game. I thought to myself, "OK! Let's do it!". A majority of TALL TALES's soundtrack leans heavily on orchestration and classical music. I was amazed at how perfect the production and instrumentation came together. 
A Song from the Heart

A soft arrangement of the main character Ian’s theme, titled "Where the Heart Sings a Nostalgic Melody". The track is a bit melancholy, but there’s also a sense of hope. For plot reasons I won’t spoil, I feel these emotions fit him as a character. I consider my compositions to be an extension of myself and my emotions. So, this song truly is a song from the heart. 
Soberano de la oscuridad

Spanish for "sovereign of darkness". This track is the final boss theme of TALL TALES. When I first shared the demo of the main villain's character theme, "Sephalin, el Supremo", Chris mentioned that he got chills! While this track associated with the villain isn't so ominous, I feel like it captures his remaining humanity. This track tells a story. A story on how a king would do anything for his people. Even if it meant succumbing to the evils in the world of TALL TALES. 
Oliver Cortes - Music Portfolio (Tall Tales)

Oliver Cortes - Music Portfolio (Tall Tales)


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