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Oliver Cortes - Music Portfolio (Outer Rim)

Some select compositions I wrote for Nessiejoe's upcoming indie video game, "OUTER RIM", developed by Squeemer Studios.
All Over Again

This track serves as the title theme for OUTER RIM. During 2022, I was dating someone whom I considered a special person in my life. One of the main themes of OUTER RIM. is "love", so when it came down to composing the main theme, I wanted to capture that romantic feeling. That feeling you get when you get butterflies in your stomach or when you get flustered around someone you love. I feel that this song is a representation of those feelings. I was thinking about the person I was dating at the time, and I remember sending them the demo version of this song, dedicating it to them. We broke up a day before my 23rd birthday, but I'm forever grateful for the memories we shared, and this song that came from it. 
Bustlen, the Civilization of Kunks

This track serves as the field theme for Bustlen, one of the major areas the player is able to visit in OUTER RIM. Bustlen is a technologically advanced city, so the developers requested a field theme full of synths and 808s. When it came to building the musical identity of the game, one of the genres that frequently popped up was funk. So, it was a treat writing the funky synth bass.
The Summertime Splash

This track serves as the battle theme for Agua, one of the major areas the player is able to visit in OUTER RIM. Agua serves as a tropical vacation spot for many of the locals in the game. While composing this song, I kept thinking back to my trips to Mexico, and the waves of Acapulco. Now, I miss the beach!
The Head Honcho

This track serves as the character theme for Guango, the head of the game's yakuza clan. While this character promotes a threatening demeanor, he's actually a goofy leader, and serves as the comedic relief. When the player first meet Guango, they're given the impression that he's supposed to be this evil guy, but after hacking out a chicken bone, the players see that he's not so bad. When the planners first described that event to me, I thought, "that's funny!".
Watch Me Go Bananas

This track serves as the minigame theme. Originally, I had a different melody that I wanted to serve as the minigame theme. I had about five different versions of that melody arranged into different styles, but it just wasn't working. After one night of clearing my head in the shower, this melody popped up, and I quickly ran out of the shower and started writing. I am very proud of this composition production wise!
With You by My Side, Forever and Always...

This track serves as one of the credit themes for OUTER RIM. I originally wrote this track in 2020, after dealing with great emotional heartache. The instrumentations were just piano and string instruments. When I was brought on as one of the composers of OUTER RIM, I was asked to repurpose this track. In my mind, I thought of this arrangement as my own personal growth; growth as a composer, and growth as a human. That idea of "growth" was apparent in this arrangement, with added melodies and instruments. Instead of heartbreak, I now picture the characters of OUTER RIM, all standing by one another. Side note, an acquaintance told me about the love frequency. So, this track was recorded in 528hz. 
Oliver Cortes - Music Portfolio (Outer Rim)

Oliver Cortes - Music Portfolio (Outer Rim)


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