Sosi SEO's profile

Onpage SEO and technical optimization

I will do onpage SEO and technical optimization for your website

Complete SEO for Wordpress, Shopify, Wix And Squarespace Website.

Are you fighting to rank your website on Google first page? Don't worry you've arrived at the right place. I'd handle all of your on-page SEO with premium plugin and technical SEO to get your website rank on Google top page to your required keywords.

I will provide you complete on-page and Technical SEO by using Rank math Plugin with 100% manual work.

On-Page Optimization:
Rank math Plugin Setup
Proper Keyword Research for your niche
Perfect Title Tag setup
Perfect Meta Description setup
H1, H2, H3 Tags Implementation
Internal Linking
Proper ALT Text for Images 
Solve Broken Link Issues
Google Analytics G4 Property setup
Google Search Console setup

Technical Optimization:
Schema Markup Setup
Website speed Optimization
Canonical Links
XML Sitemap Setup
SSL Certificate (HTTPs) Enforceability
404 & Redirection
Crawlability & Indexability
Audit & Reporting*

Onpage SEO and technical optimization

Onpage SEO and technical optimization
