Briefing: study/explore a portuguese designer and create, from scratch, a poster of a subject of your choice, regarding the techniques and inspired by the author you chose.
I picked Sebastião Rodrigues, better known as the 'father of Portuguese design'.
For the poster's subject: Florbela Espanca. A Portuguese poet that I've always been passioned about. This work was also inspired by 'Florbela', a film directed by Vicente Alves do Ó, starring Dalila Carmo, as Florbela.
All outstanding work/artists from Portugal that you should take a look ;)
Most of the process was handmade, regarding Sebastião Rodrigues' techniques (there was no photoshop at his time!).
Hope you enjoy it!
Florbela Espanca: "Precursor of the feministmovement in Portugal, she had a tumultuous and eventful life that shaped her love, erotic and feminine writings."
detail 1: background, oil paint.
detail 2: this characters were manually printed at Museu da Imprensa (machine Albion Press).
Final work
Florbela Espanca

Florbela Espanca

Florbela Espanca | Tertúlia
