ANVERSO Lottie Animations
This was a very fun project where a creative house commissioned some animated illustrations for their webpage. The whole conceptual idea was to create illustrations that looked surreal but also fun and, most importantly, able to be put on the webpage without uploading huge .GIF or .MOV files. The answer? Lottie!
Every idea comes from a sketch, and this was no exception. When I was told what the concept was aimed at, I took my trusty notebook and started sketching. The process for character design and sketching is very tiring, but very fruitful once you pick the best options out of the hundreds of doodles made. Once I was happy with the options I was going to give the client, I decided to call them and talk about them.
I honestly don't know how to call this step, but basically once I had the meeting with the client, they choose the sketches they liked the most and asked for a clean up version. Of course, I'm all about exploring and having options, so I illustrated these sketches in Adobe Illustrator and started exploring different styles for them.
It's not everyday you design something and the client goes "Woah, amazing! Let's print it". More often than not, there's always a feedback session where the client shares with you some points they believe could better work for their design. Given that these illustrations were made for their brand identity, it's more than fair to listen to their ideas and figure out a good solution for them.

For this particular project, the feedback was more about removing or adding certain elements and colour palette changes. The client really liked the clean flat-coloured version of the illustrations and decided that was the best direction we could go for. That said, here are the end results. Everything was ready and set for the next part, my personal favorite.
It's never mentioned how animating takes part of a process. Not everyone shares how the design is thought around the very idea of animation. Each finger, each movable object or each part of the composition that is meant to move, will be drawn and organized so it can move. I will share with you some quick glimpses of how this is done and how everything is separated to create puppets and, thus, ready to rig and animate.
Notice how every layer represents a different part of the whole illustration. I've changed the color for each individual part so you can better notice how it affects the animation. And this is a process that happens for every single illustration! Fun to see how it works.

But now let me show you the end results as beautiful hand crafted gifs!
By the end, the client was really happy with the results. All that was left was converting these animations into lottie files and ready for webpage implementation. Very fun project to work on!


