Aditya Kumar Prasad (He/Him)'s profile

Anon Pseudonymous Social media

Project overview
Anon is a Pseudonymous Virtual Privet Space, Anon is a platform that allows users to communicate and share information while maintaining their Privacy . The platform is designed to provide a safe and secure environment for users to express their thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment or retribution.
The goal of this UX case study was to understand the needs and motivations of users who value pseudonymity and to design a user experience that meets those needs. Through user research, we identified several key features that were important to our target audience, including strong privacy controls, easy-to-use anonymity tools, and a supportive community.
Based on our research, i developed a set of design principles and created wireframes and prototypes to test with users. Through iterative testing and refinement, we were able to create a user experience that met the needs of our target audience and provided a safe and welcoming space for anonymous communication.
Overall, this case study demonstrates the importance of understanding the needs and motivations of users when designing for pseudonymity. By taking a user-centered approach, i was able to create a platform that not only met the needs of our target audience but also provided a valuable service to the broader community
Duration 14 weeks
45+ screens
Market Growth
The global social networking platforms market is evaluated at US$192.950 billion for the year 2019 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 25.38% to reach a market size of US$939.679 billion by the year 2026.
Dual grid system
Anon Pseudonymous Social media

Anon Pseudonymous Social media
