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Pluralsight Course Detail Pages

Pluralsight course pages
Detail Pages

To give users and understanding of our extensive course content, we have detail pages to review for each course. These are the templates for each detail page.

The goal with the update was to clarify how each item was classified and deliver course details (duration, rating, level, and publish date) to the user so they can evaluate the value of a course for themselves.

We used a color and an icon to differentiate the type of course (video course, lab, or path) The two column layout allowed for a quick overview and a CTA on one side, while the other holds the detail page in a neat grid.
Course Browse

We wanted to show off our expansive course library, so we have search pages that allow a user to browse everything!
New course cards had to be designed and specifically to house all of details that a course can have, as well as flow from desktop to mobile.
All the complete pages
View the live pages here
Lab Detail Page​​​​​​​
Pluralsight Course Detail Pages

Pluralsight Course Detail Pages
