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Shade and Shadow at World Locations

Shade and Shadow at World Landmarks
This project, as shown by the demo reel below, was completed for the XR Bootcamp Protoyping course. This prototype project was designed and implemented in 2 weeks in June 2023, by a team of 3 students: Cyril Medabalimi, Jimmy Ding, and myself.
This prototype project intended to explore the effect of shade and shadow in urban contexts, through the use of accurate 3D models of cities around the world and accurate solar positioning.

The user can access a menu and choose from a list of world-renowned locations, view those locations in 3D, then see how sunlight plays across the buildings and surrounding grounds over the course of the day.
The Unity 3D project targets the Android and iOS platforms, and uses Google Geospatial 3D tiles through the Cesium for Unity service and AR Core.

While working with the 3D geometry and materials streamed down, we discovered that the materials are "unlit" which meant they do not "receive" shadows. Thus, in the demo, you see a "mode switch" to simpler massing models when exploring the effects of shade and shadow.

The original goal was to focus on downtown San Francisco, but we quickly realized we could very easily include numerous locations around the world through the power of Google's Geospatial API.
Shade and Shadow at World Locations

Shade and Shadow at World Locations


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