Henrique Silva's profile

Selling app and marketing landingpage

Selling app and marketing landingpage
About the project
This project was split into two parts, the first one, regarding the promotional landing page, focused on copywriting and benefits; and the second part, an app solution focused on productivity and selling, offering a new way for retailers to sell whenever they are

The landingpage

A lauching campaign was created to promote the new portable selling machine developed by Mercado Pago technology company, this project includes a promotional landing page focused on highlight benefits and features.​​​​​​​
The app
Focused on a quick way to manage retailer's sales and increase their business whenever they are, the  brings to the retailers a fast and-to-and selling machine, wherever the business owner would be, able to control their revenue from a simples smartphone 
Selling app and marketing landingpage

Selling app and marketing landingpage
