Family - 2010
(50 x 70 cm)

This work was exhibited in Journée internationale de la francophonie, CFCC, Egypt. 2010.
Fire - 2004 
(50 x 70 cm)

This work was exhibited in The 5th Session of Nile Salon for Photography, Egypt. 2004. & also in Journée internationale de la francophonie, CFCC, Egypt. 2010.

Fire - 2004 
(50 x 70 cm)

This work was exhibited in The 5th Session of Nile Salon for Photography, Egypt. 2004. & also in Journée internationale de la francophonie, CFCC, Egypt. 2010.
Golden Rock - 2008
(35 x 70 cm)

This work was exhibited in El-Khatma Event, Development Of Egyptians Life Foundation & Quraan Haya, Egypt. 2008. & also in Journée internationale de la francophonie, CFCC, Egypt. 2009.
Home - 2010
(50 x 60 cm)

This work was exhibited in Journée internationale de la francophonie, CFCC, Egypt. 2010.
White Seat - 2010
(35 x 50 cm)

This work was exhibited in Journée internationale de la francophonie, CFCC, Egypt. 2010.
Jamming - 2003
(50 x 60 cm)

This work was exhibited in The 28th  National Exhibition for Fine Arts, Egypt. 2003. & also in Collective Exhibition in Cairo University, Egypt. 2004. 
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