Rosé is the wine that has experienced the most progress in recent years. Inclusive, unsnobbish, and a marker of the good life.
Like the wine, the book, Rosé Revolution, is easy to embrace. 
Rosé wine is authenticating itself as the third wine category, which acts as a versatile bridge-builder between red and white and is suitable for most occasions and meals. 
The wine has a broad reach—from the novice to the general wine consumer to the wine nerd—and is riding a wave of popularity, market availability and expanding recognition that looks set to continue for years to come.

Motivated by a gap in the market for a book about rosé told through the winemakers themselves -their motivations, ambitions, and foremost urge for quality, we traveled around the world to visit some of the most significant rosé producers. 
Both those who established the foundation for the rosé revolution and those who caused its eruption. Each producer has an exciting tale to tell. 
Each, in their own way, contributes to the fascinating story of the Rosé Revolution.

As one of the participants, Sacha Lichine, creator of the world’s most popular rosé, Whispering Angel, so precisely phrase it:
“From the beginning the idea was to make rosé into real wine. Everyone looked at us like we were completely crazy. I guess, we were."

Rosé Revolution

Rosé Revolution


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