Elen Gales's profile

Wanted: Room in the City - City dweller #2

Conversation with Felicia…
Meet city dweller #2, FELICIA
Felicia has been living in the city for years now and found her current space through the Zen Center and became part of the Young Urban Zen meeting.  At the time she was dealing with an eviction, thanks to Ellis Act and put out an email blast to YUZ, a person responded to her ad and she’s been in this Lower Haight Victorian ever since.
What inspires you? What was the inspiration when you decorated your space?
“This room is very different than any I have created for myself in the past. I tend to use striking colors (think kelly green or neon Tiffany’s blue) and refinish my furniture to change its look. Moving into this apartment was different. I had rent to pay, so there wasn’t much left over for frills. I didn’t have a garage or yard so there wasn’t space to sand and paint old furniture. Instead I kept my furniture as it was and worked around it. The bed and desk dominate the room so I played off of those stark and simple pieces. I knew I wanted some soft cloud-like elements to balance this. I scoured stores and the internet for close to a year just to find the right bedding and curtain. Compared to black white boxes I have lived in before, my room already has such character and history with its heavy metal chandelier, rounded ceiling and molding. It’s not the sort of room that needs bright colors to make it pop.”
If you could give an advice to someone about decorating a room/apartment. What is the most basic or most important thing that they have to consider in decorating or maintaining their space?
“Keep it simple. Maintain an empty space. Get rid of some items as you accumulate more.” 
Do you like living in San Francisco?
“Yes. Sometimes I take it for granted. By now I’m used to it. But every now and then, I’ll be walking through the city, take a look around, and remember how incredible it is that I get to live in this city, a city that is loved all around the world.”
What is your favorite part of the city? the most memorable thing you have done or experienced living here ?
“Music is one of the most important things to me so one of my favorite things is Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. “
THE most unique?
“The need for adults to wear costumes/elaborate outfits/nothing at all multiple times a year! Bay to Breakers, Halloween, and Pride to name a few.”
Felicia's personally designed masks. 
Felicia's room.
Her favorite accesories.
Felicia's record player, guitar and vintage accessories.  
Wanted: Room in the City - City dweller #2

Wanted: Room in the City - City dweller #2

Meet my city dweller #2, Felicia Keller. Poet/Writer, Street photographer, Student. A room in the lower Haight, with 3 roommates
