Bektur Atyrov's profile

SPRAYLI - Non-Stick Cooking Spray with Sunflower Oil

Sprayli - Non-Stick Cooking Spray with Sunflower Oil

Project Description: "Sprayli" is an innovative non-stick cooking spray infused with sunflower oil, designed to make cooking easier and bring joy to your culinary adventures. In this project, I crafted a unique packaging design using yellow and black colors, along with a motif of sunflowers, to emphasize the freshness and natural essence of the product.

Insight: Analyzing the competition and the market for non-stick cooking sprays, I noticed that most packaging designs were standard and lacked distinctiveness. My goal was to create packaging that would catch consumers' attention and highlight the unique features of "Sprayli".

Concept: My design concept revolves around a vibrant and captivating image of a sunflower. This symbol of nature reflects the natural and fresh attributes of sunflower oil, the key component of the spray. The combination of yellow and black colors in the design creates an energetic and stylish look, making it stand out on store shelves.

Packaging Design: On the front side of the packaging, I placed a prominent image of a sunflower enclosed in a yellow circle with a black frame. I chose a black color for the "Sprayli" logo to ensure legibility and contrast. Additionally, a brief description of the product's advantages and usage instructions is featured on the front side.

Practicality: Taking into consideration the needs of the target audience, I ensured that the Sprayli packaging offers user-friendly functionality. The ergonomic spray nozzle enables even distribution of the spray on pans or grills, making it a reliable kitchen companion for all cooking experiences.

Result: The packaging design for "Sprayli" with its yellow and black colors and sunflower motif successfully captures the unique attributes of the product. I have created packaging that grabs consumers' attention, emphasizes the natural and effective nature of "Sprayli", and makes cooking a delightful and effortless experience.
Thank you for viewing my project! Your time and attention are highly appreciated. I hope that the design of Sprayli packaging has sparked positive emotions and left a pleasant impression on you. Your support and interest inspire me and drive me forward, aiming for excellence in my work. Thank you for being a part of my creative journey!
SPRAYLI - Non-Stick Cooking Spray with Sunflower Oil


SPRAYLI - Non-Stick Cooking Spray with Sunflower Oil
