Behind the Zine

'Thing' was the first project I did at university. The only set thing in the brief was to include all the copy provided. The rest was free rein. This was a slow-paced project whose objective was simply to allow experimentalism to thrive. ​​​​​​​

This includes a variety of different media such as long-exposure photography, pixel art, painting and digital art. I also got the opportunity to try out new softwares like PhotoMosh and 8-Bit Painter for this project.

The Man Behind the Words

Jaron Lanier is the person who gave this zine its words. He's an American computer scientist, visual artist and musician who believes that "like climate change, it [social media] will lead us into hell if we don’t self-correct."


The toughest bit to crack was letting go of the idea of perfection. I was afraid to make mistakes. I couldn't bring myself to create anything radical in the beginning. 

However, this project did leave me feeling more comfortable with "making mistakes", trying out new methods and going outside of my comfort zone. 

As it wasn't possible to recreate a true-to-life mockup of the cover due to its mirror-like properties, these here are the photos of the actual cover.

Thing Zine


Thing Zine

'Thing' is my first project of the first year at Arts University Bournemouth. I was provided with a brief to design a zine for an article by Jaro Read More
