With this self-initiated project I wanted to re-visit the classic recycling container. It has been the same for years as far as I can remember (at least in France). There is nothing really wrong with its current design although some elements can be quite fragile. Cracks in the plastic can appear over time and it is impossible for the user to replace the parts. A new whole container is then needed from the local supplier. I aimed to make it more durable and easily repairable on top of bringing a new appealing product. I used some of my free time to put some love in the design of this container. Treat it more like a piece of urban furniture as it is part of the landscape when out on the pavement after all. I decided to use recycled stainless steel for the top part in order to reinforce the critical points where the container is grabbed and lifted by the operator and the garbage truck. The hinges of the lid are now on the inside of the handle protecting them from all the bumps but remain accessible in case of replacement. The wheels are simply replaceable as well.
The container and the lid would ideally be made of 100% PCR PEHD.


