Martin Naumann's profile

Master Thesis Documentation : Zufall & Design


Editorial design of the documentation for my Master's thesis on the topic of Randomness & Design (Zufall & Design).

This Master's thesis is an investigation of the phenomenon of randomness and its impact on design, as well as vice versa. It includes the analysis of different scientific disciplines in which chance plays a role and the investigation of its application in creative processes. Practical experiments with random generators and generative software led to a series of exhibits that take inspiration from chaos theory to perceptual psychology and are presented in an exhibition. This work invites us to better understand the concept of chance through a playful and unconventional approach.

Graduate : Martin Naumann
Topic : Zufall & Design ( Randomness & Design )
Supervision : Prof. Severin Wucher – Prof. Alejandro Lecuna
University : Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Department : Department Design – FB4 
Study Subject : Intermedia Design – MDE

Master Thesis  •  Martin Naumann – Zufall & Design  :  Digital PDF


Master Thesis Documentation : Zufall & Design


Master Thesis Documentation : Zufall & Design
