Yana Feska's profile

Oouch (Blender grease pencil)

My Dalmatian dog named Cheney became the main character of this illustration. 
My dog ​​is very funny and inspires me every day with his clumsiness. 
This became the main plot for the illustration, where the dog accidentally steps 
on a flower while doing meditation or yoga.

I had a lot of fun creating this work, I wanted to emphasize the humor. 
I hope that everything that was conceived in the sketch turned out to be embodied 
in the 3D dimension.

Sculpting and modeling mode, mesh mode, 2D animation mode for applying 
the bold pencil and the original flat sketch.

In the center of the composition is a dog on a green flower field on a sunny summer day. The viewer can move through the illustration, looking for new details or subtle hidden animation, such as animation of a dog's nose or tail.

The illustration came out quite nice and organic, full of detail with textures on the leaves, grass particles flying to create a sense of wind. Pay attention to the small cheeks of the character, which flinch. I call them bruli. this is a very funny name for dog cheeks.

I like the proportional amount of modeled figures and bold penciled elements. 
Almost 50/50 where one doesn't override the other.

Oouch (Blender grease pencil)


Oouch (Blender grease pencil)
