Aimed at those currently in treatment for PTSD this series of zines aims to bring a less clinical and more personal view on what it is to suffer from PTSD. Proving information on symptoms and heart-felt stories about the causes and treatment of traumatic stress. Through collaboration with various online bloggers, each zines content comes entirely from individuals who have experienced PTSD first hand.
Each zine has a bespoke type cover and uses a spot colour to represent each issue.
The zines each focus on a different symptom but follows the same layout and content format.
Each zines contains information on the symptom and personal accounts of that symptom from my various blog sources. Each zine also features a quote from suffers about what PTSD is to them.
For a closer look at the zines please click on the links below.


A series of zines aimed at those currently in treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
