Taste the bountiful harvest with us

Overview: HarvestFresh is an organic food brand committed to providing farm-fresh, locally sourced produce to health-conscious consumers. The brand's vision revolves around sustainability, nature's abundance, and fostering a strong connection between people and their food.

Objective: To create a vibrant and engaging brand identity for HarvestFresh that communicates its core values of freshness, nature, and quality. Utilize a customized sans serif typeface with a distinct letter "H" design and a harmonious color palette inspired by natural elements.


Design Approach:

Colors: The color palette features a harmonious blend of earthy tones and vibrant accents that evoke feelings of freshness, growth, and sustainability. Dartmouth Green represents the lushness of nature and the abundance of farm-fresh produce. Emerald adds a touch of vitality and health, while Jonquil conveys warmth and joy, reflecting the delight of farm-to-table experiences. Pumpkin brings energy and passion, symbolizing the brand's dedication to sustainable practices, and Light Yellow radiates sunshine and positivity, signifying a brighter, greener future.

Typography: The choice of the sans serif typeface "Nohemi" adds a contemporary and clean aesthetic to the brand's visual identity. Its simplicity and versatility make it ideal for a range of applications, from logo design to various marketing materials. "Nohemi" exudes a sense of modernity and readability, enhancing the brand's message of freshness and approachability. With its well-crafted letterforms, this typeface reinforces HarvestFresh's commitment to quality and attention to detail.

Logo design :

The HarvestFresh logo, featuring a customized letter "H" in a clean sans serif typeface, captures the brand's uniqueness and commitment to fresh produce. Its versatility as a wordmark allows seamless integration across packaging, marketing materials, and digital platforms, leaving a lasting impression on health-conscious consumers.

As a new brand, this adaptable logo plays a pivotal role in building brand equity and recognition. Its consistent use fosters cohesion and establishes HarvestFresh as a reputable player in the organic food industry, resonating with customers and driving engagement and loyalty.

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Project Made For


HarvestFresh is an organic food brand committed to providing farm-fresh, locally sourced produce to health-conscious consumers. The brand's visio Read More
