The Studio, CRUK's profile

Organisational values

Organisational Values

Production created four videos, commissioned by the Internal Comms team, to showcase each of our new values and how we can apply them to our work.​ They feature a conversation between an Executive Board member and a member of staff in a variety of Cancer Research UK locations, bringing each value to life. ​Internal Communications shared the videos in May.

They said: “The Studio team really got behind this project and worked closely with us every step of the way. We loved the creativity they brought to the filming and editing of each video, and felt fully supported and valued as an internal client from beginning to end.

"The new videos for each of the refreshed values truly embody their essence, both in the way they're produced and the locations and people involved. The warm and engaging conversational style draws people in to start thinking about the values more broadly and will hopefully make them imagine a similar conversation about how the values relate to their own role.”

Organisational values

Organisational values
