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Video: n2y Commercial and Social

n2y’s 30-Sec. Commercial for EdWeek

Concepting and Video Editing

n2y sponsored a webinar and used this commercial in the breaks. Short and sweet, we show and tell n2y’s value with real classroom B-roll. At the end, we associate a happy learning moment with the n2y logo—pointing our audience to

n2y’s Founders Social Video

Motion Graphics and Video Editing

Short edit about the founder, Jacquie Clark, in honor of n2y’s 25th Anniversary. It was cut from a longer video, formatted for mobile, B-roll adjusted, and bumpers added.

SymbolStix Prime: “Transform Language into Meaning” Campaign Video

Concepting and Motion Graphics

For individuals with communication disabilities, SymbolStix PRIME (SSP) provides a lifeline, ensuring everyone has access to learning, language and self‑expression. Learning through effective communication is at the heart of n2y’s mission, and it’s what drove the development of the 60,000+ dynamic, engaging and personally relevant symbols. This series of three social videos leverage a variety of symbols to promote SSP as a tool for transforming words in meaning, using love, friend, and independent.

News2you: Student View Update Teasers

Concepting and Motion Graphics

Short social videos announcing a major update to News2you. With the addition of Student View, educators can assign News2you material to students, letting them engage with its differentiated newspapers and activities whenever and wherever they are ready to learn. We borrow Symbolstix plus elements from the UI, login screen, and then dive in.

Back-to-School Enhancements Videos

Concepting, Motion Graphics and Video Editing

A series of short product walk-throughs, showing updates to three areas of n2y’s Total Solution: My Students, Monthly Lessons, and Student View. We wanted to be able to learn about the updates on a mobile-sized social feed—without voice over—and to make the dry material more exciting. The storyboard phase helped greatly.
Video: n2y Commercial and Social

Video: n2y Commercial and Social

Short videos for n2y's brand and social media
