Project 2. Nouns. This project started with choosing a noun from a list. I chose "plants". Shocker. So much of my life is surrounded by foliage that I had to choose my favorite subject. We were tasked with thinking outside the box and correlating our subject to other forms and meaning of the word. Our task was to create a 16 page booklet, demonstrating various images stripped of their original tones and applying 2 Pantone colors of our choice. I chose 311 U and 123 U. I then chose 2 different colors of paper to print on, bright green and magenta along with white. You can find some of my inspiration here.
Brain map.
Front and back cover.
Original image plus Pantone colors applied.
Pages 6 & 7.
Pages 8 & 9.
Construction process.
P2 Nouns


P2 Nouns
