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2023 Bicommunal Cypriot Festival Logo Design

Logo Design for the 2023 Bicommunal Cypriot Festival

The Bicommunal Cypriot Festival aims at uniting both Turkish-speaking and Greek-speaking Cypriots in celebration of Cyprus' unique cultural heritage. The aim of this logo design is to symbolically unite and encourage Cypriot unity through art, music, food, and other shared cultural elements. 

The main inspiration for these designs is the Cypriot flag. The initial intention of orange/copper, green and white in the Cypriot flag was unification and creating an independent identity from colonial oversight. The rules for the design indicated that these were the colours to use, and each artist could include another colour relevant to the design. In one of my logos, I chose to include a lemon since its symbolism is often associated with Cypriot online and creative spaces. 

Typeface used: Neue Haas Grotesk.
Planning for logos. Wanted to include elements related to Cypriot culture, including the flag colours and traditional textiles. 
Digital Comps
Design 1: Only using colours of the flag and an olive branch to symbolize peace between Cypriots. 
Design 2: Featuring the flag colours and yellow for the lemon. 
2023 Bicommunal Cypriot Festival Logo Design


2023 Bicommunal Cypriot Festival Logo Design
