(People coming in)
(Volunteers gathered/gathering)
Host: Hi everyone and a very interesting as well as cheerful morning to all of you, since we have lots of fun awaiting ahead of us. I hope everybody has settled well as we’re about to start the game. Assuming everybody is aware of what the game is, it is important to be with your own team throughout, (jokingly) else… what?  Can you tell me what will happen? (People engagement) Yes/True/Partly true. You’ll be solving your team puzzles rather than the actual puzzle, and you’ll be finding bits and pieces of your team rather than the one you need to solve (smile). /You all know/understood what I mean! (With a smile)
(Continuation) Jokes apart, as we all know the celebration and the fun going on is due to the PRIDE month and surely, the game which you are going to play holds a motive. We’ve found a way to make it fun while we all gain some knowledge along with spreading some awareness regarding PRIDE related activities and who are the associated members from the society.
(Continuation) Are we good? No need to be so serious, people! It is “have fun while you learn”. (Smile) Okayy! Moving on, teams will be introduced to the volunteers and the game rules/instructions. Now, before I do that, can I expect some cheers from the people? Tell me, how excited are you? (People wooing). Great, thanks! You all got me more excited!
(Presentation display for the volunteer identification and rules)
(Host requesting volunteers by calling their names to wave their hands for better identification)
(Host requesting volunteers to assist their teams to pick up one chit for their puzzle pirate)
(After the teams collected their chits)
Host: Before we start, you must be wondering they are making us solve puzzles, also letting us aware about PRIDE, but what’s after that? (People engagement) Do you have any guesses? No? Aren’t you thinking about like, is there any prizes or gifts waiting for us or they are going to send us empty handed? (If people respond) Fair enough! No matter how much we grow up, we all get excited about gifts and prizes. So, don’t worry! We too have some exciting gifts/prizes for you, and some bonus rewards as well which we’ll disclose later during the game. / (If people don’t respond) What is this you people? Where is the excitement? You people are really getting old! One should always be excited about gifts and prizes. I feel still excited and if I don’t get any I will get angry for sure (Jokingly with a smile). Well, we do have some gifts/prizes and some bonus rewards as well which we’ll disclose during the game.
Host: Okay, cool! Teams are we good? Ready to play? (People response) Great! First round playing teams please come forward, open your chits and tell us whom you have got. Post that you’ll be given the puzzles.
Host: (After the respective team’s chits got disclosed) Teams, please take your positions and your time starts now…
(After 30-minute ends)
Host: (If a team finishes before time) We’ve already got our winner, I would request the other team to please stop solving.
Host: The winning team congratulations on your success. Now, can you tell us who’s the personality you’ve just solved? (If the team can answer) Correct/Absolutely right! So, why do you think we’ve presented _______ here? Or can you gauge any link between our today’s motive and the personality? / Do you have any guesses why this personality and no one else? / What is coming to your mind seeing the personality here at our PRIDE celebration? (If the team can’t answer) Okay, you can have 1 minute of time to google about the personality and come up with some information. If not, then no worries, I am here to give you the information. (If the team can’t answer the first question) Would you like to pass it to the other team? (If yes, the other team will be given the chance to try and answer, if correct, will be rewarded on the spot). (If not, the host will add her words). (If the team can’t answer the second question) (The host will add her words).
(Post completion of the games)
(Prize distribution)
Host: Since the game is over and we have got our winning teams, (People interaction) any guesses people what’s next? (People response) Yesss! It’s prize time! I’m telling you this is my favorite part (Smiling).
Host: Anways, let’s begin the mot fun part of today’s event! I would request ______ and team ______ to please come forward. (Prize handover) Give a big round of applause for team______.
Host: Attention people! (People interaction) How are you feeling after today’s game? Was it good? Did you gain some knowledge? (Response from people) Thank you so much and thanks for your active participation. You people have shown great interest and excitement throughout. With this, the event came to an end and this is your host Anyesha, signing off!
Script: Live Game


Script: Live Game


Creative Fields