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Indian Musical Instruments

Music and dance in India were traditionally not seen as just entertainment, but as a means towards spiritual upliftment. Classical musicians were often adapt at singing hymns in praise of various deities for example. The many bhajans and songs to Lord Shiva are an example of this tradition. Rendered in Sanskrit, they used to inherent power of this language to great effect. The Shiv Puran [pdf download], the holy scripture related to the God Shiva, lists several hymns that are considered sacred to him.
Similar examples exist with other deities as well. For example the chant Bhaja Govindam by Adi Shankara, was composed over a thousand years ago and urges the individual to seek out the divine. Bhaja Govindam is generally considered to be a "Krishna" chant. Krishna is one of the avatars or human embodiments of the divine." Here, the divinity in question is specifically Vishnu. The Vishnu Puran [pdf download] lists many more chants in honor of Vishnu.
The Indian classical music tradition is specifically created with the yogic physiology in mind. For example, each of the seven fundamental notes: "Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Ni," are connected to one of the seven chakras, or centers of psychic energy as per yogic tradition. Listening to particular notes is said to activate the psychic energy in the three main energy channels or nadis - the ida, pingala and sushumna. Indian dance also follows similar principles. For example, the mudras or hand gestures held by the dancers in various postures are the same as used by yogis to control the psychic energy in their body. 
Modern science is paying attention to classical music these days. For example, listening to classical music has shown to have many medical benefits such as reduced blood pressure and pulse rate, and improved sleep quality.
Indian Musical Instruments

Indian Musical Instruments

A set of sketches done for a music festival promotion.


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