Pablo de Parla's profile

Fuerza Natural - Branding

Fuerza Natural is a company based in California, Mexico and Madrid that focuses on Renewable Energies. Its brand image is inspired by the chemical structure of chlorophyll, a nod to the client's work harnessing sunlight and transforming it into life.

The graphics for this project are aimed at the Spanish-speaking public.

The violet hue was chosen as one of the colors mentioned in the brief, but also to help differentiate the client's brand from its competitors in the sector, many of which utilize yellows, oranges, greens and blues.

The shape of the logo provided a pattern to continue with other graphic elements.
Environmentally conscious initiatives like this are what will make the world a better place.

What about you - do you take steps to protect the environment?

Fuerza Natural - Branding


Fuerza Natural - Branding
