Digital Campaigns

Client - Yoghino


Role - DOP and Direction
(Idea, Shoot Planning, Strategy)

Often, due to time constraints or a rushed morning, we tend to neglect breakfast, even though it is a crucial meal. This campaign centers around a product offered by Yoghino that serves as a convenient alternative to a traditional breakfast. It can be consumed effortlessly while you're on the move, whether you're headed to the office, gym, or traveling.

Client - Mugdha

Mugdha Malleshwaram Launch

Role - DOP and Direction
(Idea, Shoot Planning, Strategy)

Mughda, a well-known brand in the AP state, is expanding its presence by opening stores in Bangalore. To announce their arrival, we conducted a photo shoot featuring popular locations in that area, accompanied by a stunning model dressed in a saree. This visual approach helps viewers easily identify and connect with the specific part of Bangalore where Mughda is establishing its presence.

Client - Ambervalley

VGS Quiz Launch

Role - DOP and Direction
(Idea, Shoot Planning, Strategy)

Ambervalley, a renowned school, has decided to organize a quiz in honor of their founder, VG Siddartha. As part of our digital promotion strategy, we have created several videos showcasing the school and promoting the quiz.
Digital Campaigns

Digital Campaigns
