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Natural Black Tourmaline Rock Raw Rough Stone Chunks

Natural Black Tourmaline Rock Raw
Strong Protection & Safeguard from Negativity & Negative People, Evil Eye, and Black Magic.
Reiki, Crystal Healing Stone, useful in Vastu Shastra, Feng Shui, Personal Space Cleansing & Healing
Weight – 300 to 400 grams (It will be  1 or 2 pc depending upon the stock)

Benefits of Black Tourmaline Rock Raw Stone Rock:-
Black Tourmaline is the World’s best-known stone for protection from negativity.
Black Tourmaline crystal is said to absorb and give protection against negativity from both people and electrical & magnetic fields. It is also said to sharpen one’s wits, enhance vitality, and give emotional stability.
It grounds and deflects negativity and is used as a protection stone. It transforms internal negativity, changes, and then releases it.
Black Tourmaline protects one from negativity from outside influences. Rubbing a black tourmaline crystal with wool cloth or heating it raises static electricity and draws out negativity.
Use black tourmaline to protect yourself from negative energy from negative people.
Black Tourmaline Rock can be kept hung at the entrance of the main door from outside to protect & safeguard your home. [Just like you tie nimbu-mirchi]
Black Tourmaline Raw Stone can be kept in a Bedroom near the bedside table if you feel there is negative energy that is stopping you from doing work, Not being able to sleep well at night, and having Bad Dreams in sleep.
Black Tourmaline Crystal Stone can be kept visible at your home or office in such a way that if a person comes from outside his eyes should go to that stone so it does absorb all the negative vibes from your home & further protects you from causing damage to his evil eyes.
Use black tourmaline stone near your working desk for strong protection against the backbiting, politicking & backstabbing by other Office employees or Staff & also absorbs the negative energy in the working environment that’s stopping you to do your desired work.
If you feel there is negative energy in a specific location of your house. You can keep it over there and see the results.
Black Tourmaline Raw Stone is Highly recommended by Reiki Healers, Crystal Healing Experts, Vastu Consultant, Feng Shui experts, Astrologers, and Space Healers.
Black Tourmaline Raw is helpful to remove fear and boost self-confidence.
Black Tourmaline Raw Keep in the bedroom will help you to sleep better and wake more refreshed.
Black Tourmaline Raw improves good health, happiness, good luck, and optimism.
Black Tourmaline Raw creates a favorable approach to life and a positive mindset.
Black Tourmaline Raw helps you to release stress and gives calmness.
Keep it with you when you need to wake up your mind or when you need full concentration.
It helps to bring relief from pain, boosts the immune system, and aids with stress and arthritis.
Black Tourmaline helps to balance, harmonize, and protect all of the Chakras.
Placed this raw in the corners of the room, and seals in the room with a protective shield.
It gives you protection against negativity & electromagnetic energy.
Keep this raw in your home to clear, cleanse and unlock any energy blockages within your body or home.
It helps to remove negative energies within a person or space.
Its a must-have crystal for your crystal collection

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Natural Black Tourmaline Rock Raw Rough Stone Chunks

Natural Black Tourmaline Rock Raw Rough Stone Chunks


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