Abuzar Mehar's profile

Simulation of Graph Algorithms in React and D3.js

Network Graph Visualization and Simulation of Graph Algorithms in React.js and D3.js

The objective of this project was to create an interactive network graph visualization tool using D3.js, a powerful JavaScript library for creating data-driven visualizations. The graph simulation is powered by ReactJS, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, and a Flask API for running various graph algorithms.

Key Features:

1. Network Graph Visualization:
Leveraging the capabilities of D3.js, I developed an interactive and dynamic network graph visualization that allows users to explore complex relationships between nodes. The graph is highly customizable, enabling users to change colors, sizes, and labels based on their preferences.

2. Graph Simulation: 
I integrated ReactJS to provide a seamless user experience. Users can simulate graph algorithms such as shortest path, centrality measures, and community detection in real-time. The simulation results are displayed on the network graph, providing a visual representation of the algorithm's impact on the graph.

3. Flask API Integration: 
To enable the execution of graph algorithms, I created a Flask API that interacts with the front-end application. The API receives user input, processes the data, and runs the selected algorithm on the graph. The results are then sent back to the front-end for visualization.

4. User-Friendly Interface: 
The user interface was designed with simplicity and usability in mind. Users can easily upload their own graph data or choose from preloaded datasets. The interface provides intuitive controls and feedback, allowing users to interact with the graph and initiate simulations effortlessly.
Technical Stack:
D3.js: JavaScript library for data visualization
ReactJS: JavaScript framework for building user interfaces
Flask: Python web framework for creating APIs
Python: Backend programming language
HTML/CSS: Front-end markup and styling

This portfolio project showcases my ability to combine multiple technologies to develop a powerful and interactive network graph visualization and simulation tool. The integration of D3.js, ReactJS, and Flask API demonstrates my proficiency in front-end development, data visualization, and back-end integration.

I invite you to explore the project by visiting http://github.com/abuzar7266. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to discuss the project in more detail.

Simulation of Message-Passing Neural Network on Network Graph
Simulating list of algorithms based on user data and preferences
Simulation of Graph Algorithms in React and D3.js


Simulation of Graph Algorithms in React and D3.js
