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Co-branded Game IP Mobile Theme Design




With the rise of the two-dimensional culture and the arrival of the era of personalized customization, mobile phone trendy play has become a new trend in mobile phone personalized customization design.

If novel materials, elaborate appearance, creative accessories, and cool packaging give personalized mobile phone body, the personalized customized design of UI theme skin gives soul to customized mobile phone, let it from The two-dimensional world has come out and has intimate contact and companionship with us.

This is not just a mobile phone, but a mind, a soul, a partner, a friend, and a company. This is the most fascinating part of personalized customization.
OPPO Reno7 Pro 英雄联盟手游定制版
以英雄联盟手游中的射手英雄金克丝作为设计灵感来源,从包装、外观设计的和 UI 设计等多方面都进行了深度定制。​​​​​​​

research and exploration

mood board

icon design
all icons

animation design
wallpaper A&B

一加Ace Pro原神限定版(胡桃版)手机
“伶俐巧思,蝶引梅香”,以原神游戏角色“胡桃”为灵感进行的深度定制,蝴蝶、梅花、火焰,我们从胡桃的处处细节中汲取灵感,对 60+ 应用图标进行了全新的创作设计。淡雅色调与方圆形体的绝妙结合,一上手就能带你回到提瓦特大陆幻想世界。
animation design

OPPO Reno PUBG限定版手机
Co-branded Game IP Mobile Theme Design

Co-branded Game IP Mobile Theme Design
