Manuals 1: Design & Identity Guidelines
Co-editing & book design, while employed by Unit Editions

Manuals 1 showcases 20 examples of corporate identity manuals from the 1960s to 1980s, including the classics NASA: Graphic Standards ManualLufthansa: Richtlinien und Normen and Expo '67: Standard Sign Manual

I co-edited the book alongside Unit Editions’ founders Adrian Shaughnessy and Tony Brook. I also worked on the book as photographer (creative director: Tony Brook) and designer (creative director: Tony Brook, senior designer: Claudia Klat). As co-editor of the book, my tasks included proposing suitable manuals, locating them and arranging for them to be shipped to the Unit offices, as well as researching and writing captions for the manuals and their designers. 

Some of the manuals were borrowed from acknowledged designers (such as Burton Kramer’s CBC and Ben Bos’ Randstad), others came from design collectors (Display) or were photographed in archives. We asked Greg D’Onofrio and Patricia Belen of Display to write essays about two of the manuals that they had supplied (U.S. Department of Labor and American Revolution Bicentennial) and reproduced an edited version of Richard Danne’s essay ‘A Space Odyssey’ to accompany the pages of his NASA manual.

Manuals 1: Design & Identity Guidelines by Tony Brook, Adrian Shaughnessy and Sarah Schrauwen [Eds.], 2014. Essay by Adrian Shaughnessy. Foreword by Massimo Vignelli. Published by Unit Editions. Designed by Spin.

Manuals 1

Manuals 1

Manuals 1 is the first comprehensive study of corporate identity design manuals, and features 20 examples from the 1960s to early 1980s – the gol Read More
