Mikaela Faith Cooper's profile

Redesigning a Blogsite

Elevating Brands:
A Freelance Journey of Redesigning a Blogsite
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
About the Project
In the realm of freelance projects, I embarked on a special collaboration with a former colleague turned client. She approached me with a captivating proposition: the opportunity to rebrand and revamp her existing blogsite, igniting my passion as an aspiring IT Developer.

Despite a demanding schedule, I wholeheartedly accepted the challenge, driven by my unwavering commitment to personal growth and professional development. Our initial discussions delved into her vision, allowing me to grasp the essence of her desired website transformation. With a clear direction in mind, I dived into crafting the UI design, meticulously sculpting an interface that harmonized functionality with aesthetic appeal.

However, as fate would have it, our project encountered an unexpected obstacle - a loss of communication. Despite the project being momentarily put on hold, I remained undeterred. The experience of working on this freelance endeavor granted me invaluable insights and invaluable moments of creative exploration.

Throughout the journey, I relished the opportunity to exercise my skills in UI design, an exhilarating step toward my aspirations as a front-end developer. Each interaction, every intricate detail, propelled me further along the path of honing my craft and realizing my potential.

Though the project may have faced its share of challenges, I emerged from this freelance venture with a sense of accomplishment and a renewed determination. The pursuit of growth and the unyielding passion for my craft continue to drive me forward, propelling me toward even greater heights in the captivating world of IT development.
Redesigning a Blogsite


Redesigning a Blogsite



Creative Fields