Summit is Miron’s annual company-wide gathering, a two day event in 2022 hosted both in-person and online. The theme was titled Authentically Miron, because this year we were introducing the corporate values. That would mean an unveiling of all the graphics and accompanying animations I had made for the project along with new ones for the show itself. This was both the first time I had done such extensive motion graphics for a show and the first time Miron’s summit would have anything like this.

The overall identity was a collaborative effort with my design colleague. His fantastic logo was chosen to represent the event. Before jumping in to all the other graphics we would need, the first thing I did was animate the logo itself. I wanted to get in there and work with our new identity marker directly to see what I could pull out. The logo had a textured, rough look to match what we both felt when we thought of “authentic,” so I wanted to keep that hand-made quality in the animations. In addition, I had already done logo animations with our values, and those had a sketched-on feel. Naturally, then, this logo would need to be drawn on as though in pencil.

My colleague created this logo to look like the summit of a mountain range, and so I wanted to really hammer that idea home, so I had the sketch start more obviously as mountains, complete with a snowy cap. I traced the journey to summit and crowned things with a flag, reminiscent of our new Rally Together value. The sun rises with the musical swells and then we’re hammered with 2022 Summit!
The show would need about 20 speaker intros, some for just one speaker and others for up to five at once. I created a system to accommodate this and sequenced everything throughout the show, taking care to as seamlessly as possible flow from one speaker or break to the next.

I decided the speakers before the values reveal would start with the Summit 2022 logo animation and specific transitions. After the reveals, however, all the speakers would chose a specific value to tie to what they were speaking about. That value would start the intro, and I created five transitions to get from the speaker’s name to the motion title-slide as well. This really reinforced the branding of both Summit and the new values.
The two keynote speakers for the event received similar, but more fleshed out versions of these intros to educate the viewers as to their accomplishments and qualifications. I wanted to give these speakers some heft and gravity, so the crowd would feel more invested in what they had to say as well.
I had a little bit of fun with the break animation this year. People would be milling about or talking and I thought the break animation should lighten the mood. It would also act as a bit of a screensaver for those tuning in virtually. I illustrated a bunch of construction trucks and animated them moving across the screen. This looped for each of the breaks. My three year old son at the time really loved watching me animate this as well.
Miron Summit 2022

Miron Summit 2022
