Link Kesha Kumariya | 2023

Link Kesha
Kesha Kumariya 2023

The "Link Kesha කුමරිය" campaign took advantage of the festive Awurudu season in Sri Lanka, and innovatively revamped the traditional Awurudu Kumariya competition by incorporating Link Kesha in a hybrid manner, creating a unique experience. The campaign had two categories: ‘ජනප්‍රියතම කුමරිය’ (most popular) and ‘Link Kesha කුමරිය’. The campaign was launched on our Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok channel, along with influencers and 3rd party page collaborations, were vital in driving engagement. 

First Phase
Launching of the online competition

The first phase of the campaign was launched where the competition was heavily advertised targeting potential participants. We targeted women are interested in showcasing beauty and embracing fashion in urban, suburban and rural areas. 

Contestant registration and photo submissions were facilitated through an automated chatbot and approved images were showcased on a dedicated landing page.​​​​​​​
Second Phase
The Event

The event took place at the Swastha Showroom Colombo 07, where 10 contestants were interviewed and selected from the top 100 of the first phase, including the winner of that phase.

Getting the people involved

The general public was also targeted to get in votes. Selected voters were rewarded cash prices throughout the first phase of the campaign. And one voter was chosen during the second phase for guessing the winner from the event correctly.

Link Kesha
Kesha Kumariya 2023

Artslab Creatives

Link Kesha

Art Director
Jay Tissera

Senior Designer
Pumudu Perera

Account Manager
Eshan Dias

Miyuru Dhammage

Link Kesha Kumariya | 2023

Project Made For

Link Kesha Kumariya | 2023
