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Will I Gain Weight If I Stop Dieting?

A Guide to Online Coaching for Weight Loss: Will I Gain Weight If I Stop Dieting?

Every year, we make resolutions to eat healthier and lose weight. However, diets can sometimes not work, and when they don’t, we end up feeling emotionally worse than when we started.

According to UNC Health psychologist Christine M. Peat, PhD, 95 percent of diets tend to fail over time. This means there's a chance that even if we lose a small amount of weight over a short period of time following some online coaching for weight loss, it can be harder to maintain it in the long run. This makes us end up feeling mentally and physically frustrated.

However, any online coach for weight loss will say that quitting diets and learning to understand our body's true needs can actually result in long-term weight loss. Additionally, we begin to establish a healthy relationship with food, which makes us feel good without feeling the pressure to lose weight.

What Happens to Our Bodies When We Diet?

Dieting is perceived as a stress by our bodies because eating fewer calories than required pushes our body beyond its comfort zone. The percentage of body fat (or weight) at which the body feels most at ease is also tested, so again, the body can feel some stress!

As any reliable weight loss coach online will tell you, it is hard to find the balance between what we ourselves feel comfortable with (weight wise) and what our body itself feels comfortable with.

To return to that wonderful comfort zone, what is known as the "body-fat set point", our bodies begin to send messages to our brains telling us to stop dieting. The two main messages it sends to the brain are that it is tired and hungry.

Dieting creates a caloric deficit in our body and to compensate for the loss, in turn, the body conserves energy by reducing the number of calories we burn daily.

To make things worse, continuous dieting brings about a drastic change in the levels of our hunger hormones, leptin and ghrelin. The more consistently we consume fewer calories than we burn, following any online coach for weight loss, the more our hunger hormones notify our brains that we're “starving”.

At Coach Me Slim and Trim, our online coach for weight loss, Mr.Erak Simsson, is a former physical training instructor of the Armed Forces with 20 years of experience. He is the best online weight loss coach in the UK, who can assist anyone in their weight loss journey not through dieting but by building an all round weight loss programme that is tailored to meet everyone’s specific needs. Our programmes involve mindset coaching, bespoke meal planning (that includes a wide variety of real food) and effective home exercises.

How can you stop dieting and maintain a healthy weight simultaneously?
As per our expert online coach for weight loss at Coach Me Slim and Trim, the following habits can help you maintain a healthy weight even if you stop dieting:

1. Concentrate on building healthy habits rather than numbers on the scale

Health cannot be measured by a number on a scale or by the size of your trousers or dress. To be healthy, you need the right amount and quality of sleep, regular engagement in physical activities and need to consume food that nourishes our body and soul.  While following online coaching for weight loss from Coach Me Slim and Trim, concentrate on increasing such healthy behaviours rather than focusing on a specific number on the scale.

If you do not sleep well or stay up late scrolling on your mobile phone, our weight loss coach online advises to follow these steps, which may help you improve your sleep hygiene:

Reducing screen time before bed: Turning off electronics at least an hour before bedtime is a great way to prepare ourselves for sleeping.
Sticking to a sleep schedule: This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps to reset our sleep cycle, improving the quality of sleep.

Creating a bedtime routine: This helps our brain to relax and recognise that it is time to sleep. Taking a warm bath, brushing our teeth, reading for 30 minutes before turning off the lights and repeating these every evening is a great way to build a bedtime routine. We can also include things we enjoy doing to help us stay consistent.

Quality sleep is critical for your health, and a lack of sleep may cause you to gain weight!

Our online coach for weight loss advises to focus on the types of foods you eat whilst following the other steps provided in our online coaching for weight loss programmes. As well as this, focus on the kind of relationship you build with food. For some of us that have the tendency of skipping breakfast, consuming a well-balanced breakfast is the way to move forward. Building more manageable, measurable, and sustainable goals, rather than attempting to reduce the number on the scale is more beneficial for anyone receiving online coaching for weight loss. Moreover, consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins in the right amount and keeping an eye on your salt and sugar intake, can help you stay fit and manage weight at the same time.

Also, you should avoid labelling foods as good or bad. According to our online coach for weight loss, by categorising foods as good or bad, you are simply creating an unhealthy relationship with your food.

Read Full ArticleA Guide to Online Coaching for Weight Loss: Will I Gain Weight If I Stop Dieting?
Will I Gain Weight If I Stop Dieting?

Will I Gain Weight If I Stop Dieting?


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