Guitar Case
For our final, we had to come up with a project that incorporated CNC machining and I know I wanted to make something that I will use for years to come. I have been teaching myself guitar for a little bit now and my acoustic didn’t have a case to protect it; So, I knew what I was going to be making. The case is made of wood and formular, which is cuttable foam that protects the guitar. Prior to this project, I had developed my woodworking skills from hackathons, and CNC skills from this class, so I wasn’t worried about the building process. I first made a fusion model of my guitar to the exact specifications so it would fit in the formular. I then cut it out on the shop bot and stacked the pieces together. Then I built the frame by cutting and gluing wood to make the rectangle shape. The final aspect of the case was decorating the entire thing in blankets that I thrifted, giving them a new life.
Guitar Case

Guitar Case
