Alex Beebe's profile

The Bamfield Wreckage Brand Identity

The Bamfield Wreckage

A lovely little bistro located in Bamfield, BC. The small town is separated by an ocean inlet leaving the west side only accessible by boat. Needless to say this left a large gap in the market that The Wreckage filled as the primary restaurant and gathering place. Serving up all the classics as well as some sea side features, The Bamfield Wreckage has been generously welcomed by its community.

The owner wanted a 70s seaside retro vibe. We immediately thought of the gull as a mascot since they are consistently seen hovering seaside in search of leftovers. Using a customized 'Genty' for the word mark gave us a nice groovy feel that was accompanied by a bold colour palette to pull it all together. Overall these elements gave us enough variations to be used in a multitude of applications.
Photography: Kyler Vos 
The Bamfield Wreckage Brand Identity

The Bamfield Wreckage Brand Identity
