Group project featuring Merle Driver, Theo Slack, Angus Vasili and Jess Sampson
We were to devise a concept for a camapign to raise awareness of male cancers for the charity Everyman.
We created the character of 'Dave', figuring that everyone knows a Dave so everyone will be able to relate to him. Dave represented every man, in that every man is at risk of getting cancer, whoever you are, whatever you do, you're not exempt from cancer.
  Dave was to become a local celebrity in city centres across the country. For the character of Dave, his appearance was that of a morphsuit- bearing man. We didn't want to give Dave features e.t.c as he'd become more personlised and less relateable. The featureless morphsuit face allows a question mark to be put over his identity, reinforcing the idea that anyone can be Dave, anyone can get cancer.
Using Dave as the face of the campaign, Everyman Dave was to be done in stages so as to arouse intrigue in the general public. Male cancer can be a taboo subject, so by using Dave as a catalyst we're subtly introducing that the campaign is about cancer as the stages progress. We want the audience to build up a connection with Dave first and foremost, and then the purpose of Dave can be revealed. Social media was a key component in ensuring the campaign went viral.
- Guerilla Advertising: Stage One -
Stickers were to be places around the city. The QR code linked the audience to Dave's facebook.
-  Social Media: Stage Two -
Dave's facebook contained the first campaign video.
Video One: Introducing Dave
After the first video is released, posters would be put around town to encourage people to 'tag Dave on facebook', encouraging them to get a picture with him if they see him. This starts an interactive relationship between Dave and the public.
Video Two: Everyman Dave
Video Three: Cancer Awareness
Everyman Dave

Everyman Dave

A unique campaign to raise awareness for male cancers
