#36daysoftype was a creative project curated by Rafa Goicoechea and Nina Sans that invited designers, illustrators and graphic artists all over the world to give their particular view on the signs from our alphabet.  A challenge to create a letter or number each day and submitted daily via Instagram.
For the letters, we used ordinary stuff whose name starts with that letter (portuguese speaking) to represent it. For the numbers, we chose stuff whose name rhymes with that number (again, in portuguese) and we didn't give a shit to the shape
of the letters.
We love colour, gradients, filters, noise, patterns, shadows, brushes and the great Photoshop tools that make your eyes burn.
Let them burn!
A is for Ananás (pineapple)
B is for Bola (ball)
C is for Caranguejo (crab)
D is for Dentadura (denture)
E is for Escova de dentes (toothbrush)
F is for Farol (lighthouse)
G is for Granada (grenade)
H is for Hiena (hyena)
I is for Isqueiro (lighter)
J is for Jacaré (alligator)
K is for Karaté (karate)
L is for Lima e Limão (lime and limon)
M is for Mosca (fly)
N is for Navalha (razor)
O is for Ovo frito (fried egg)
P is for Pente (comb)
Q is for Queijo (cheese)
R is for Relógio (clock)
S is for Saxofone (saxophone)
T is for T-shirt (t-shirt)
U is for Urso (bear)
V is for Vela (sail)
W is for Walkie-talkie (walkie-talkie)
X is for Xilofone (xylophone)
Y is for Yoga (yoga)
Z is for Zebra (zebra)
Zero rima com Nero 
(zero rhymes with Nero)
Um rima com Atum
(one rhymes with tuna)
Dois rima com Bois
(two rhymes with oxen)
Três rima com Gerês
(three rhymes with Gerês)
Quatro rima com Teatro
(four rhymes with theatre)
Cinco rima com Brinco
(five rhymes with earring)
Seis rima com Mísseis
(six rhymes with missiles)
Sete rima com Disquete
(seven rhymes with disk)
Oito rima com Biscoito
(eight rhymes with biscuit)
This was a special one. We had no letter-shaped objects or rhymes with numbers.
We wanted to share some love to Rafa Goicoechea and Nina Sans for the great project!


#36daysoftype, a project curated by Rafa Goicoechea and Nina Sans. these are out letters! let them burn!


Creative Fields