If there has ever been an undertaking made for completely selfish reasons, this would be it. As a bit of a car nerd, I’ve been dreaming of buying my first new set of wheels for a long time. This is a pretty hefty decision though, and I knew I needed to do my own homework. I still haven’t bought a car yet, unfortunately, but I can’t argue with how much fun I had doing the “research”.
In a nutshell, this digital book is a visual and factual guide to entry-level sports cars for car nerds that want to win arguments. Rather than the standard car reviews that are based on the reviewer’s opinion, the Tach Guide compares cars based on infographics that detail only what can be measured.
Tach Guide

Tach Guide

If there has ever been an undertaking made for completely selfish reasons, this would be it. As a bit of a car nerd, I’ve been dreaming of buying Read More
