We ARE NOT alone. 

I’ve always had a hunch… but, while watching the 60 Minutes broadcast ‘news magazine’ here in The States one Sunday evening in 2021, CBS ran a segment featuring interviews of U.S. pilots tracking “unidentifiable aerial phenomenon” (UAP’s/UFO’s) during naval training exercises

Gobsmacked. Literally. 

I just knew there was something to this story so I went digging, research on the world’s greatest library – the Internet.

Sure enough, there are 'documentaries' in great number! 

At first I thought “doubtless these are spoofs”, some smarty-pants conspiracy theorist posting content online for the illiterati to digest and glom onto (like “the Covid-19 virus is a hoax!”) or another zany short from ‘The Onion – you get the picture.

But noAs a lifelong ‘doubting Thomas’, I watched these UFO/UAP films with rank skepticism asking myself “...Really?!” 

Sometimes the interviews came across as parody, pseudo-documentaries. But then, continuing my research looking into the wonks being interviewed, I began to loose my skepticism. (Damn! Lue Elizondo sure does sound credible to me yet… Steven Greer though? Yikes! He seems to me to be a bit of a wild hare.) 

And these sightings are not just a recent phenomenon! 

Visitors have been among us “forever”.

Believe what you see. 


The Plan:
In response to the 60 Minutes broadcast on UAP’s (UFO’s) – and a US Government report released on the subject of ongoing sightings by the military – the Summer of 2021 I began decidedly unscientific research of my own. I determined that the best way of conducting a truthful, relevant investigation on the subject I needed to “open myself to the universe”, put a call out on social media…

I suppose I could have opted-for convincing answers, Real Truth, by consulting the 21st Century’s Original 'Magic 8 Ball' – QAnon but..."NAH". I wanted observations by real people. 

I just had a feeling. And what a reaction I got! I simply cannot believe how many people have had personal, extraordinary encounters AND had a camera at hand to record their experience

I posted my request at a variety of portals for participation from others, for them to provide visual proof along with whatever anecdotes they may have to include related to the event documented. 

I present here some of the results in my ongoing survey.

But first something from my own dresser-drawer box of goodies here at home:
I used to road-trip across the US – from Arizona where I live now to Wisconsin where I grew up, to visit family and friends – rejecting our Interstate system of highways (“the most-direct route”) through the vast American hinterland for more-lightly traveled county, State and “US highways”, meandering cross-country instead. Much more interesting, even though I would have to slow down as these other roads took me through small towns and cities, twists and turns.

On occasion I would stop at little ’second hand’ shops to poke around and see if there was anything interesting to buy on-the-cheep.

One time, rummaging through a box of old photographs and postcards, I found this old photo. 

Now consider that it was likely made by someone in an old-school "wet darkroom”, not in a contemporary “digital darkroom” (our computers) –- no Photoshop tricks; just projecting a film negative from an enlarger onto photo-paper, sloshing it around in some chemicals and… “wah-lah”!

I thought “WTF IS THIS?! What IS this flying machine documented in this (ca.1930’s/1940’s New York?) urban landscape? YIKES!!!”

I only paid 50¢ for this flea market treasure too; a bargain for sure! 

To follow is a gallery of others' experiences with UFOs ("UAP"s):

Donor notes –– their photo documentation (the above gallery; in order presented).
1) Justice –- Great, Again 
(Pillars of the U.S. Supreme Court building; 1999; Contributor did not include their name.)
2Burn Time, Earth Girls Are Easy
“I’ll bet everyone has had the experience; laid back on a lawn chair (or floating in a swimming pool), the afternoon sun unrelenting, your consciousness becoming ‘one with the all…’
A cloud strays across the otherwise-clear summer sky and though your eyes are closed, dreaming… 
you know something has changed.” (Bonnie; 2007)
3It’s Them Or Us (Like Clay Pigeons)
“Kyle from Kansas here. I scanned an old polaroid for you. 
One afternoon out hunting possum, my buddy Earl caught something sweep in from just overhead. At first we thought it was a bobwhite. Nope. I swear I was more surprised than he was.
Earl squeezed off a couple of shots at this thing and it was gone.”  (1993)
4Summer Hat
“For three days in the autumn of 1963 a saucer-like object appeared above us here in Walhalla, ND hovering just above Lookout Point. One day my sister and I drove out there so I could make pictures of this thing. She thought it would be fun to throw her hat in the air to mimic the thing, her own ‘flying saucer’ and I snapped the picture right then. A few days later it was gone.” (Dixie, Summer ’63)
5The Road To Vegas
“On our way to Vegas from ‘San Berdoo’ where I live. Mid-day on a Friday skipping the rest of our work day at lunch to get an early start on the weekend.
And miles ahead of us in the desert what looked like a massive dust storm was barreling down the highway from out of the mountains. Then quickly – I mean REALLY QUICKLY like ‘Wiley Coyote’ in that old Saturday morning cartoon – something resembling a “trash can lid” appeared to be coming right at us. 
Then it just STOPPED hovering about a hundred feet above the ground. Not a sound save for sand and gravel being kicked up all around.”  Jimmy. (2002)
6Oh Shit.
“I’m on the way to the beach. Sunny. Late afternoon, and I begin to hear what sounds like thunder (but there was barely a cloud in the sky). Fortunately I had my trusty Sure Shot® along with me. You never know when something interesting will show up in everyday life.” (Val, 1981)
7Weird Scene Inside The Goldmine
I got this photo from a private investigator (“P.I.”) who was following some woman’s husband. She was convinced he was having an affair and wanted to confront him with proof.
While in wait to record the tryst (the lady’s husband favored this intimate little urban retreat on the rooftop of a neighborhood mall) something “just appeared”. The ‘private eye’ instinctively pressed his wireless shutter-release and got several frames, most of them blurred.
However, in THIS frame he posted me the orb momentarily froze in space, hovering; and then he says it “vanished into thin air”.
(The woman is still living with her man. Date unknown.)
8) The End Of A Perfect Day
“I’ll bet everyone has at one time or another experienced an optical illusion (a mirage, an apparition along the horizon). These visions are often caused by prevailing atmospheric conditions – heat, wind, 'weird shit' going on along the distant horizon.
This thing came slowly into view from behind the cliffs then in an instant sped out of sight at an insane speed. No hallucination (obviously). Here’s the picture!” – Skeeter Morris (1987)
9My Dog Frisbee
I could tell my friend, ‘Frisbee’, was up to something. She gets excited like that only when she’s worked up playing "catch" with a flying disk. (Usually a very mellow dog.)
We weren’t playing with the frisbee this day and there was no one else in the park we were at that afternoon. 
(Jasper, 2019)
“If another diver in our group was not along with an underwater rig making photographs of reef life this day no one would have ever believed me.” (Crystal, 1993)
11Cats Eye
An office worker in Manhattan caught this on her iPhone. (2018)
“I DON’T believe it. I really don’t.” - Hamish (no date included)
13Station Master
Anonymous contributor (ca.1931)
14) Threading The Needle
"I was standing on suspension bridge looking down on river. I was shooting fotos of kayakers on rapids when this raced in from outside and hovered without moving. I could no longer hear anything as before –– no rushing water, no wind through the trees. It was quite strange." Aksel (2005)

15) Now the real kicker: what really sealed the deal for me, made me a true believer? 
Just check out this photograph AND its original negative I received from a photo archivist! 
For those of you that think UFO’s/UAP’s are the zeitgeist of our world today CONSIDER THIS: 
She wrote: “For a while I had a job going through the old negatives by a photographer who made his living primarily shooting for architects and urban developers in the early 1900’s, a record of projects from site preparation to 'capping' (or 'topping-out') the new structure.
I would normally lay out several rows of glassine envelopes, each with a large format negative inside, trying to decide upon some order of importance to scan the lot as a dependable digital record we could then store as backup to ‘the cloud’--insurance against the very real potential for film to degrade over time from its original chemical process of development (God forbid damage from water or some other disastrous accident that could destroy these delicate photographic impressions).
One day I came upon a real shocker, so I scanned the neg immediately. On the outside of its glassine envelope in LARGE letters was printed ’DO NOT SHOW ANYONE!’.

Here’s the contact print I made.
This was shot in 1912!!!” Jeannine.  
Visitors, Redux