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Das ist sehr lecker !

2023 Spring Subject |Das ist sehr lecker

The brand's spring subject “ Das ist sehr lecker ” , comes from German and means “ This is delicious ! ”
This idea originated from the combination of Ludwig van Beethoven, a famous German musician, and Haribo gummy bears is the most popular in the world. The joy of spring is shown through the rhythm of music, and the colorful make the delicious feeling more vivid and lively. 

This spring, the brand wants to invite everyone to experience the romance from Germany.
Enjoy it !

品牌這次的春季主題,Das ist sehr lecker,來自德文,意思是「這實在太美味了!」,發想源於德國著名音樂家「貝多芬」及世界最受歡迎的Haribo小熊軟糖的結合,透過音樂的律動展現對春天到來的喜悅,繽紛的色彩讓美味的感覺更加鮮明活潑。


“ Music is like a dream, one that I cannot hear. ” 

  Ludwig van Beethoven  

[ Beethoven Violin Sonata No.5 Op.24 “Spring “ in F major ]

Dancers / Painting

Spring = Colorful =  Delicious Feeling = Happiness​​​​​​​
Haribo / Painting

Project created by Elise
Das ist sehr lecker !

Das ist sehr lecker !
