Viable Futuristic sustainable AI Restaurant , In this project I want to create a zero waste , recycled Viable Restaurant I used the newest techniques of farming that is more efficient & powerful one So I decided to use the Aeroponics vertical Farming System.
Aeroponics is an advanced form of hydroponics, it is the process of growing plants with only water & nutrients. This innovative method results in faster, wider growth & organic healthier plants. Plants grow in a soilless medium even the fabric that nutrients grow on it was made of recycled materials. It’s controlled by a timer, low wattage pump propels the nutrient solution.
It’s Powerful Form is round to oval it represents both unity & protection & tend to invite people. Here’s a series of Sustainable Futuristic Restaurant designs with the same concept and inspiration by using the tool of AI..
“When Human Imagination Integrated with Artificial Intelligence.”
The Project is Featured on Amazing Architecture.....Read the Full Article



