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My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own

My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own, 2014
The eternal battle between the heart and the mind... should we listen to our heart or follow our mind? If we introspect we will come to the very logical conclusion that the heart is an organ which only pumps blood to the different parts of our body whereas our mind controls the function of all the organs. The mind feels, the mind thinks and the mind sends triggers of emotions to which the other organs react. Hence the seat of control is our mind. Yet I have always imagined that my heart is the seat of all emotions... of all feelings! And I have been led to believe that my heart has a mind of its own and is beyond control. It harbours dreams beyond anybody's reach. It is capable of the utmost cruelty and the most tender love. It breaks and yet it does not decay. My mind always argues rationally, but my heart chases utopia. My mind teaches me caution and my heart is careless. So, this painting is dedicated to all the liberated hearts, who follow their own mind!

Title: My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own, 2014
Details from My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own
Details from My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own
Details from My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own​​​​​​​

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My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own

My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own
